Thursday, April 18, 2013

Two Months

Well, tomorrow will officially be two months left in Raleigh! I can't even believe how quickly time has gone by! And it just keeps flying.
But the Lord has been faithful through it all.

I don't think I can even begin to describe how bittersweet this whole situation is. I'm so ready to be back with my parents. I'm ready to be there to support them and love them. I'm ready to do what I can to take some of the stress off both of my parents. I'm excited that I'll get to spend some time with them one-on-one everyday. But I'm also excited to do things with them--especially little projects with my mom. (We're going to try our hand at making our own pickles. And I think we're going to take a cake decorating class together.) I'm excited about getting to watch a tv show with my dad and go on walks with him. I'm excited about getting to spend some time with my sister--go shopping, maybe start working out with her. I'm excited about hopefully building a closer relationship with my cousins (especially Phoebe). I want to be able to love them and have opportunities to speak the gospel into their lives.
But on the other hand, it's going to be so hard to leave. The Lord has truly blessed my time here in Raleigh. I'm going to miss my job at Ravenscroft. The people I work with are some of the greatest. And the kids, though they can drive me crazy, are a great source of joy in my life. I know I'm not directly able to tell them the gospel, but there have been times I've been able to share my faith and everyday I'm given the opportunity to show them the love and grace Christ has shown me.
This might sound a little silly, but I'm going to miss the coffee here. There just aren't any good coffee shops in the 505. So when I'm just wanting a good almond latte, what will this girl do?? Jubala won't be there! Ah! So. June 27th, the search for a good coffee shop will begin.
And, here's another silly one: I'm going to miss a grocery store. (I know, I'm wierd.) But I'm really going to miss having an Aldi. I love that place! It's so wonderful!
I'm going to desperately miss my church. This Body has surrounded me with love and grace through this whole situation with my dad. They've supported me in so many ways, and I'm going to miss them greatly...especially those who are in my Growth (small) group. These men and women have spoken the gospel and truth into my life week in and week out. They have been one of the greatest blessings the Lord has given me. Within my small group, there are the ladies, and my heart has grown to love them more and more. With every passing week, my heart grows ever fonder of them, and the walls I have built up to protect myself continue to come down. I am blessed with grace and love when they surround me.
And most of all, I'm really going to miss having Rachel around. She's been my closest friend while I've been in WaFo/Raleigh. She's been a great support, and she has pushed me toward Christ. And it's going to be so very weird to not have her around. So weird.

But, even though it's going to be hard to leave, there is a greater joy to be had back home.
I still have no idea what's going to happen with my dad, but I do know I want to be there to support him and love him through the next steps.
Two Months left.

and my sister's coming for a visit in 8 days!!!!!!!
It's going to be a blast!
