Saturday, February 26, 2011

Just a Little Reminder

Today, while I was reading my Bible, I came across one of my favorite passages. It was First Corinthians 1:27-31. I reallly liked The Message version:

"Isn't it obvious that God deliberately chose men and women that the culture overlooks and exploits and abuses, chose these 'nobodies' to expose the hollow pretensions of the 'sombodies'? That makes it quite clear that none of you can get by with blowing your own horn before God. Everything that we have--right thinking and right living, a clean slate and a fresh start--comes from God by way of Jesus Chrust. That's why we have the saying, 'If you're going to blow a horn, blow a trumpet for God.'"

I love this passage. Simply because it says that God chose us so that we could point to Him. It's not about us. It's not about who we've been, where we've gone, or what will happen in the future. Everything we do, everything we say, everything we're about should make much of our great and glorious God. He deserves all the praise because He alone is worthy. 

Friday, February 25, 2011


Like I've been saying, God is showing me some things in my life that are changing me. He's moving in my life, and some of the things He's doing are crazy.

I've been unhappy with the culinary program this semester, and not just an "Oh, I don't like this class" but an "This is not what I want to do with the rest of my life. And I am no doing what God wants me to do" unhappy. I've struggled with these feelings, because I didn't quite know what I was supposed to do next. So I began doing what I knew I should do: pray. I prayed hard about what was going on. I needed God's direction, because what I was doing just wasn't working anymore. So what did He do? He laid seminary on my heart, like that's where I needed to go next. And so I started looking into Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to see if they had any Bachelor's degree programs, since that's what I would need first. And they did! So I seriously began looking into Southwestern and praying about it. I was never quite sure that Southwestern was where He wanted me, so I waited on applying, something wasn't right. Then I talked to Jen one Sunday and she suggested I looked into Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. So I did. And I talked to a friend who goes there. Right then, I was hooked. I was completely at peace with the idea of applying to Southeastern and of moving out to North Carolina this fall to begin classes. So I have begun the application process. I'm still trying to get everything together and out, but it's all falling into place. God is good, and He is providing in ways I couldn't have ever imagined. I needed a car to get me out there, and I didn't know how I was going to get one without taking out a loan for it. And today my parents have offered to give me the bug to take out there! Oh my goodness! He is AMAZING!

So the other thing that God is doing right now: I am applying to be a Summer Missionary through the North American Mission Board in South Carolina again! Doors here in Albuquerque have been closing on me over the past few weeks and months, and I started questioning if there was somewhere else He wanted me, so I started praying. (Funny, praying is what I do a lot of my time now.) I asked Him to show me where He wanted me to go so that I could be faithful to Him. Through conversations and other things, God constantly brought Beaufort, SC, and LCM to my mind. Over and Over. I finally got the hint, and prayed more and more specifically about going to SC. I gained a sense of peace about it, and knew that it was where God wants me. I am so excited to be going back to be serving with LCM and NAMB again. It's going to be amazing. :)

My God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than I could ever ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). He has plans so much bigger than I could have ever planned for myself. Did I ever think I would go back to SC to serve? No. I thought I was done and that I would serve another summer up at Inlow. Did I ever even consider going to seminary to get my Bachelor's degree? Nope. It wasn't even on my mind. But He planned it. He is good and faithful. And I am so excited to follow Him through this. :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Living Radically

Over the past few days, I've been reading Radical by David Platt. And I must say that it is incredible. God is really speaking to me, and He's challenging me to live a life that is different from the way I am living now. I wish you could see my book. So  much is underlined, and there are stars next to so many things that I don't want to forget. Here are some examples:

"The lesson I learned is that the war against materialism in our hearts is exactly that: a war. It is a constant battle to resist the temptation to have more luxeries, to acquire more stuff, and to live more comfortably. It requires strong and steady resolve to live out the gospel in the middle of an American dream that identifies success as moving up the ladder, getting the bigger house, purchasing the nicer car, buying the better clothes, eating the finer food, and acquiring more things."

"Give because Christ is in you. Give because your heart has been captured by a Savior who has produced in you 'overflowing joy,' welling up in 'rich generosity.'"

"We...see no verse in the New Testament where God's people are ever again commanded to build a majestic place of worship. Instead God's people are told to be the temple--the place of worship. And their possessions are to be spent on building, not a place where people can come to see God's glory, but a people who are taking God's glory to the world."

"...the goal of the gospel is to make much of God."

These are just a few of the things that really stood out to me. I'm still not finished reading the book, but there are so many truths that God is showing me through this book.

He is challenging me to make changes in my life, so that my life will make much of God. Isn't that why we're all here anyway? To make much of God? Our lives should show the world how great and powerful God is, how He can change and shape people. We are to be about bringing the gospel to people. Not just the people we are comfortable sharing with, but everyone. There should be a spiritual urgency about us to bring the gospel to the people dying in this world. And let's face it...everyone who doesn't know Christ is dying.

The books that God has brought in my life, as well as the sermons I've been listening to lately, and most importantly, God's Word, have been changing the way I've been thinking about a lot of things. I want Christ to control every single area of my life. Even if I have to make the hard changes. He is that amazing and powerful.

God is doing some amazing things. He's moving in the hearts of believers around the world to get active in their faith. He's changing lives. I want to be one of the lives He changes. Do you?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Journey

So this is really my first time posting a blog, ever. So it'll be interesting.

God has really been working in my life for a while now. Nothing that He has shown me has been easy to understand or act on, but I am still learning and still following Him.
I guess I started realizing towards the end of last year that I wasn't really on fire for Him was just something that I did. It didn't mean anything. I had fallen into the trap of the "church game," and that's when I started praying. I started asking God to give me a fire and a passion for Him again. I wanted to know Him and make Him known.

He gave me a book that He used to set my heart on fire, a book that stopped me from travelling down the road that I had been going down for so long. For those of you who have never read Crazy Love by Francis Chan, I encourage that you do so. God really spoke to me through that book, and I have never wanted to know Christ as much as I do right now.

I still don't understand everything that God is wanting me to do, or what really following Him means, but I am seeking Him. I am wanting that relationship with Him. I am still learning. And that's what life is all about anyway, right, learning? Getting to know God? Falling in Love with the Savior? It's all about Him. It's all about who He is and how awesome and holy He is.

God still has a lot of work to do in my life, but I can't wait for Him to do it.
I want to know God. So very much.