So this was my trip yesterday.
And it was the shortest one I've had to date.
It was quite lovely too.
The drivers weren't stupid.
(I think that's just a problem AR and OK had.)
And the surroundings were absolutely gorgeous!!
I was just amazed at the beauty.
If you ever want to take a nice car drive through the country,
drive through TN and GA.
This was still in TN when I had just begun my nice drive.
I wish I could fully describe the beauty.
The pictures just don't capture it well enough.
Giant trees lined the road.
Everywhere I looked there were more and more trees.
It made my heart happy.
I was way up high on the edge of a mountain.
And I could see all around me.
It was amazing.
And then there was a giant lake.
I don't actually remember what it was called.
I tried to take a picture of the sign, but I was too late and missed it.
Okay, so my windshield was rather clean before I entered TN.
In TN, I made it just in time to see and hear all the cicadas.
Those nasty little things thought it was awesome to come smashing into my windshield.
Now I can see their guts everywhere.
Some more of the lovely cicadas.
These signs were EVERYWHERE!
It was insane!!
I kept seeing them every five miles.
And then when I finally decided to take a picture of one,
It was so frustrating.
I had to wait like 20 minutes before I found this one.
See Rock City was another sign that was popular.
I guess one day I'll have to do that.
I finally made it to GA!
I missed the welcome sign, just like I did with TN, AR, and OK.
I'm not very good with those.
But I try.
It was so stinking hot yesterday in the car!!
The other days that I had driven, I would hardly have the AC on.
But the AC was running the entire time!
By the time I reached my aunt's house, it was around 95 degrees!
Imagine that in a black bug...
not fun.
Well, that's the end of yesterday's drive.
I made it to Loganville safely.
And only one day til I'm headed off to my final destination!
I can't wait to get to Bluffton and start orientation!
It's gonna be awesome!
Prayer Requests:
-Blake: he's the one who had the brain tumor. They performed surgery last Friday, and everything went really well, just like the doctor's were hoping. They are going to start chemo as soon as possible, they were hoping as soon as this week sometime, but I'm not sure how that's coming along. He's still in good spirits, and is staying focused on God.
-orientation for the summer: we're all new to each other, and there's a lot to learn. So prayers that we all get along and are able to come together as one body of Christ and be unified in our mission to glorify Him this summer.
I think that is all for now.
Until next time....